Stan Reichert is IT Project Manager with the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He has been joining us at Engage for the past 10 years, and has been a frequent speaker and collaborator at this event.
Have you attended Engage in the past?
Yes, for about 10 years.
If so, what things do you enjoy most about Engage?
Connecting with other clients with similar interests and needs as well as solving common problems together. I also enjoy being able to meet with Accela staff face-to-face.
What are you most looking forward to at Engage 2016?
Learning about what is coming up in future versions of 8.0.x for Accela Land Management and Accela Licensing and Case Management. Also, seeing and understanding other clients’ experiences with Version 8 in regards to rolling it out – positive and negative.
What do you hope to learn at Engage 2016?
Continuing to learn more about Version 8, seeing where electronic plan review has progressed and learning from other clients’ sessions and their experiences.
What are you presenting on this year at Engage?“
The Marriage of Accela and PublicStuff: They Both Said ‘I Do.’” I will share how Accela integrated Accela Citizen Relationship Management (formerly PublicStuff) with the Civic Platform and how successful it has been for Oklahoma City.
What interested you about presenting at Engage?
I want to show that Accela followed through with their commitment to integrate the Civic Platform with the software that they acquired. We are a perfect example how the integration works and was done in a very timely manner.
What do you hope attendees get out of your session?
There is a CRM solution that is fully integrated with the Civic Platform. The project can be done in a short timeframe.
How does your presentation reflect the event tagline, “Where Civic Tech Connects?”
Providing citizens with an easy-to-use app that fully integrates with the back-end software makes it convenient for citizens and city staff and allows for quicker and more accurate responses, which leads to increased transparency.
What are your top challenges right now?
Finding time to upgrade to Version 8 for Accela land and licensing solutions. We have so many departments in the City continuously coming to us wanting to use Accela for many purposes that we are having trouble finding the time to get all of the projects done as well as upgrades. Also, finding time to go back to experienced user departments and implement the enhancements that come with the new versions.
What initiatives are you focused on in the next year?
Upgrade to Version 8, electronic plan review and provide more applications online.
How is technology changing the way Oklahoma City does business and engages citizens?
I think we are like everyone else and trying to get as much information available online as possible to provide the most effective way to get information to the citizens. However, we do understand the enhanced security risks that exist so we have to find a balance. We will continue to push more Accela services online to allow the citizens to be more engaged as well as save time and money.
For more information about Accela Engage, visit the conference website.