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Allen County, Indiana, overcame paper-driven permitting bottlenecks by implementing Accela’s digital solutions. This transformation streamlined workflows, boosted digital submissions to 70%, and slashed permit processing times to a few days. The initiative fostered collaboration, improved efficiency, and set a blueprint for modern governance in the region, enhancing service delivery and paving the way for future growth.


In Allen County, Indiana, where Fort Wayne stands as a bustling regional hub, challenges in the permitting process were once as formidable as the county’s growth itself. Inefficient, paper-driven workflows slowed down everything from plan reviews to applicant updates, creating bottlenecks that stifled progress and frustrated stakeholders.

But with a forward-looking approach and by adopting Accela’s Building and Planning solution, a transformative wave of digital innovation has swept through the county offices.

Unveiling the Solution

The implementation wasn’t about digitizing forms; it was a cornerstone of Allen County’s digital transformation strategy. By centralizing permit management online, streamlining internal workflows, and enhancing cross-departmental cooperation, Accela exceeded the county’s expectations.

The Impact: Results Speak Louder Than Words

Since embracing Accela, Allen County has achieved remarkable milestones:

  • Digital Adoption Surge: From a modest start, the county has shifted from zero to seventy percent of permit applications being submitted digitally, marking a monumental leap in efficiency and accessibility.
  • Swift Turnaround Times: What used to take weeks now happens in days. Planning permits are processed within three days while building permits typically take between three to five days—an impressive feat given the county’s burgeoning construction landscape.
  • Streamlined Operations: Turnaround times for plan reviews, inspections, and permits have been drastically reduced, freeing up resources and empowering staff to focus on higher-value tasks.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Internal operations have seen a significant overhaul. Accela has fostered a culture of collaboration and transparency among departments, breaking down silos that once hindered progress.

The Human Touch: Stories from the Ground

Behind these numbers are real stories of transformation. Melissa Woodworth, from the Allen County Department of Health, recalls the days of paper documentation and in-person submissions. With Accela, processes that once caused headaches are now streamlined, ensuring faster responses and happier stakeholders.

Kate Love-Jacobson, overseeing permits for Fort Wayne and Allen County, echoes these sentiments. For her, Accela isn’t just a tool; it’s a catalyst for better service delivery. By enabling instant permits and online status checks, Accela has simplified interactions for residents and expedited processes for employees.

A Partnership for Progress

The collaboration between Allen County and Fort Wayne extends beyond software implementation. It’s a testament to what can be achieved when communities work together towards a common goal. By leveraging Accela’s capabilities, the county has improved its relationships with residents and the business community.

Looking Ahead: A Digital Future

As Allen County continues to grow, so does its reliance on data-driven insights. Accela’s robust reporting capabilities empower decision-makers with real-time information, allowing them to make informed choices that shape the county’s future.

Embracing Change, Driving Growth

In conclusion, Allen County’s journey with Accela is a story of transformation—a testament to what happens when innovation meets determination. By embracing digital solutions, the county has streamlined operations and laid the foundation for sustained growth and prosperity.

From cumbersome paperwork to streamlined processes, from isolated departments to cohesive collaboration—Allen County’s path with Accela is a blueprint for modern governance. As they continue to pioneer new ways of serving their community, one thing is clear: the future of permitting in Allen County is digital, efficient, and bright.

See how Allen County centralized permit management online, streamlined internal workflows, and enhanced cross-departmental cooperation and communication with Accela.


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