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7 must-haves when researching a new planning, permitting or licensing solution

Is your team working with outdated software or processes? Are they searching for a solution that can help them keep up with citizens’ expectations and…
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We’re Talking Cybersecurity with the Experts. Join Us.

Profile picutre of Steffanie Zazulak

Steffanie Zazulak

| CybersecurityGovTech
Cybersecurity has been listed as a top priority for government agencies and IT professionals for the past several years, yet with regular reports of breaches…
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The 5 Must-Haves When Replacing Your Legacy Planning, Permitting and Licensing System

Residents and business owners experience seamless and intuitive digital retail and service interactions— like from Amazon and Uber—as the standard, and they expect the same…
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Western Region: Join Us to Discuss the Agency of Tomorrow

Profile picutre of Steffanie Zazulak

Steffanie Zazulak

| GovTech
Beyond being disruptive, transformative, and even at times polarizing, 2020 also provided us a unique view into the incredibly positive impact that partnerships, agility, and…
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