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Evanston 311: City Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary of Its Successful 311 Call Center

Profile picutre of David Shaeffer

David Shaeffer

| GovTech
This post is part of our weeklong celebration of 311 Day on March 11th. Use the hashtag #Getthe311 to follow…
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Featured Customer: El Paso, Texas, Speeds Service and Centralizes Information across Multiple Departments

There are so many powerful examples of local governments across the nation improving internal efficiencies while enhancing the way they deliver services to residents…
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Registration Is Now Open for Accela Engage 2016!

I’m excited to announce that registration is now open for Accela Engage 2016, the civic tech conference that brings together more than 1,000 customers,…
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The Mobile Citizen: Reach Them Where They Are (Part 1 of 4)

Profile picutre of David Shaeffer

David Shaeffer

| GovTech
There’s a shift happening in how we get information, use services and communicate with others. It’s a mobile shift. Forrester, a leading market research…
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The Mobile Citizen: Winter Storm Jonas, Philly 311 and a New Form of Customer Service (Part 4 of 4)

Profile picutre of David Shaeffer

David Shaeffer

| GovTech
This is the fourth post in a series on “The Mobile Citizen,” a look at how the Civic Platform is helping agencies of all…
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Civicist Guest Blog: What CitiStat Staffers Should Know about Open Data

Profile picutre of Mark Headd

Mark Headd

| GovTech
The below is a reprint of my guest post on the Civicist blog earlier this year. You can find the original post…
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Community-Building for Better Cities

What happens when you gather local officials, city staff, entrepreneurs, designers, developers, journalists and citizens in a room for one day, and ask for…
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Offering Complimentary Use of Our Hurricane Damage Assessment Solution

Profile picutre of Ed Daihl

Ed Daihl

| GovTech
In response to the recent hurricanes in Eastern Texas and Florida, Accela is offering every impacted jurisdiction free access to our Rapid Damage Assessment (RDA)…
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