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4 Ways Civic Technology Drives Results for Policy Outcomes

Profile picutre of Tim Woodbury

Tim Woodbury

| GovTech
The below is an excerpt of my guest post on National League of Cities’ Cities Speak blog last week. You can read the full…
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How Connected Government Can Deliver on Modern Digital Transformation

Profile picutre of Accela


| GovTech
This piece is cross-posted from the Code for America blog. A Q&A with Accela CTO Renato Mascardo and Code for America CTO Lou…
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How to Untap Economic Growth Through Digital Licensing

Editor’s note: This blog comes from the report, “Stimulating Economic Growth Through Modern Business Licensing,” the full report can be found…
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Planning and Building: Pima County Spotlights 4 Benefits of Going Digital

Profile picutre of Accela


| GovTech
Pima County Modernizes Planning, Permitting and Inspection Processes with Accela Community Development Solutions Editor’s note: This is a case study of Pima County, Arizona,…
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How to Uncover the Real Value in the Cloud

Profile picutre of Adam Stone

Adam Stone

| GovTech
Accela and Microsoft experts answer the hard questions around cloud migration Government IT leaders today generally understand that modernization means moving to the…
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Cloud, Apps and Investment Take Center Stage in GovTech 100

Profile picutre of Accela


| GovTech
Accela takes top honors for fourth year in a row as industry moves toward cloud solutions and off-the-shelf-apps On Tuesday, Government Technology magazine (Govtech)…
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10 Years Later: Helping New Orleans Get Back on Its Feet after Hurricane Katrina

Profile picutre of François Richardson

François Richardson

| GovTech
It’s hard to believe it’s been just over 10 years since Hurricane Katrina hit, displacing more than a million people throughout the Gulf Coast…
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Customer Care: Revolutionizing the Way We Provide Customer Support

Profile picutre of Angela Langston

Angela Langston

| GovTech
We all talk about partnership and what a good partnership means to us. At Accela, we truly strive to work in partnership with our customers.
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