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“The most reliable way for local agencies and utilities to collaborate is to create a neutral platform where all stakeholders can share information on projects and work together.”

Road construction, street cuts and repaving cause disruptions to all of us. And when the same street gets dug up repeatedly – what we call the dreaded double street cut – people get frustrated.

You know when the pothole, pipe underneath and the fiber optic cable all need to be worked on at the same time and same place, but because they are coordinated by different entities the street gets dug up multiple times? This scenario and many like it happen everywhere and far too often, causing extra work and costs to get work done in the right of way.

What can be done to avoid unnecessary street cuts? Local governments (including water, streets and public works departments), utilities, telecommunications providers and other stakeholders need to be able to coordinate and collaborate easily. Working together will prevent duplicate work that not only causes the road to deteriorate, but also frustrates the public.

The solution: a cloud-based platform with mapping capabilities that helps all stakeholders better communicate and plan road construction projects and street activities. Learn how agencies like Baltimore gain an annual savings of $900,000 by coordinating within a single platform. Download the issue brief from Governing Institute to learn more about improving collaboration in the right of way.


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