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Technology Modernization that Transforms Planning and Building Processes

The pressure on planning and building departments is constant. They must oversee private development to ensure communities are safe. They prepare for escalating demands on…
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How Online Solar Permitting Can Help Cities Meet Climate Goals and Resident Expectations

One of the key levers in meeting the growing demand for clean energy is solar, as one of the fastest-growing industries in the country, solar…
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Western Region: Join Us to Discuss the Agency of Tomorrow

Profile picutre of Steffanie Zazulak

Steffanie Zazulak

| GovTech
Beyond being disruptive, transformative, and even at times polarizing, 2020 also provided us a unique view into the incredibly positive impact that partnerships, agility, and…
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Guest Blog on PBS MediaShift: Open Data Beyond the Big City

Profile picutre of Mark Headd

Mark Headd

| GovTech
The below is an excerpt of my guest blog on PBS MediaShift. You can read the full post here.
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Why GIS Mapping may be the Next Game Changer in Marijuana Regulation

Profile picutre of Jason Shueh

Jason Shueh

| GovTech
Denver shows how Esri GIS and Accela’s licensing tools are accelerating cannabis license processing and transparency. For government, geography has an implicit connection to decision…
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Environmental Health: 10 Digital Tools Every Community Should Have

See the Tools, Services and Digital Strategies That Can Benefit any Environmental Health Department in this Infographic Environmental health departments often find themselves on…
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Building Capacity Through the Coronavirus Relief Fund

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020 authorized $2 trillion to battle COVID-19 and its economic impacts. Within the law, the Coronavirus…
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Building Capacity for a Remote Environmental Health Workforce

Profile picutre of Darryl Booth

Darryl Booth

| GovTech
The below article by Accela’s Darryl Booth was first published in the June issue of the Journal of Environmental Health and is being re-posted here…
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