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Renato Mascardo of Accela On How To Use Digital Transformation To Take Your Company To The Next Level

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| Smart Cities
The following is reposted from Authority Magazine. As part of our series about “How To Use Digital Transformation To Take Your Company To The Next…
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Local Governments Embody Digital Leadership In Their COVID-19 Response

The COVID-19 outbreak has dealt a shock to the local governments responsible for managing their community’s response. But if a silver lining were possible in…
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Prepare for Disaster: 7 Tools Your Health Department Must Have

Profile picutre of Jason Shueh

Jason Shueh

| GovTech
The technologies could aid health departments as they assist first responders and manage critical city assets Whether it’s a five-alarm fire, an outbreak of disease or a…
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How Accela Customers Are Protecting Their Communities in Response to COVID-19

Profile picutre of Accela


| GovTech
Now more than ever, governments are facing enormous challenges in maintaining the health and wellbeing of communities across the globe. Here is a glimpse into…
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The 5G Permitting Challenge: How Smart Cities Move Forward

Many government agencies expect that 5G is a technology that could support the popular vision of smart and connected cities where services are supercharged through…
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Why Connected Government Is — Finally — the New Normal

Experts Weigh in on the Urgency and Potential of Digital Services. Over the course of the past year, many of us have heard about the…
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Civic Innovation in the Triangle

Profile picutre of Mark Headd

Mark Headd

| GovTech
This past weekend, a CityCamp unconference and hackathon were held in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina. Long known…
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SaaS: The Emerging Standard for Government Agencies

Profile picutre of Adam Stone

Adam Stone

| CybersecuritySmart Cities
Microsoft and Accela Spotlight Benefits Found in the Next Generation of Software-as-a-Service As government technology leaders aim to modernize their operations, they’re looking for tools…
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