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Making it Easy for Licensed Professionals to Get the Occupational Licensing They Need

Profile picutre of Accela


| Licensing
The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a shock to our healthcare system, resulting in shortages of qualified, licensed healthcare professionals needed to support state and local…
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Webinar Series Highlights State and Local Governments Optimizing Service Delivery in a Digital World

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Accela customers and other government agencies across the globe responded – some were able to pivot quickly to offer services…
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Digital Tools Could Be Critical for Alcohol Enforcement

Profile picutre of Accela


| Government Technology
Regulators in the alcohol and beverage industry see technology as a catalyst for effective alcohol regulation With the alcohol and beverage market on…
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What Works Cities Summit: The Power of Data Goes Mainstream

Profile picutre of Mark Headd

Mark Headd

| GovTech
A few weeks ago in New York City, government innovators from all over the country convened for the first ever “What Works Cities” Summit.
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Guest Blog from Appallicious: The Case for Comprehensive Open Data Legislation

Profile picutre of Yo Yoshida

Yo Yoshida

| Open Data
On October 17, 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake struck the San Francisco Bay Area, killing 63 people and injuring nearly 4,000 residents. The quake also…
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Accela Launches Citizen’s View: A New Way to Discover What’s Happening in the Streets

Profile picutre of Megan Lunetta

Megan Lunetta

| GovTech
Picture this: you get in your car to go about your day. Maybe you’re going to run some errands or heading…
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Infrastructure Matters: Four Ways to Extend the Life of Your Assets While Reducing Costs

Profile picutre of Kelly Delaney

Kelly Delaney

| GovTech
People often take for granted the key public infrastructure and assets that keep our communities functioning. From traffic lights responsible for keeping rush hour…
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Guest Blog from Appallicious: Open Gov on the Move in 2014

Profile picutre of Yo Yoshida

Yo Yoshida

| GovTechOpen Data
Editor’s Note: Yo Yoshida is the CEO and co-founder of the San Francisco civic start-up, Appallicious. The beginning of 2014…
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