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If These Walls Could Talk: The Case for Open Housing Data

Accela is partnering with San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and Code For America to launch the House Facts Data Standard. Today,…
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Transforming the Way Governments Engage with Their Citizens

Profile picutre of Maury Blackman

Maury Blackman

| GovTech
Today, Accela acquired Government Outreach, a leading provider of citizen relationship management software. This ushers in a new era for Accela and our customers…
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Leadership in 2019: Why Cities Need to Rethink Digital Services

Profile picutre of Gary Kovacs

Gary Kovacs

| Smart Cities
An Open Letter to Mayors and Local Leaders: Leading the Decisive Shift in Government Innovation Editor’s note: The National League of Cities…
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3 Strategies for Regulating Cannabis

Profile picutre of Jason Shueh

Jason Shueh

| GovTech
Denver’s former licensing expert Judy Steele highlights key ingredients in the city’s successful cannabis regulation program   (Photo Credit: Creative Commons/Flickr) With 30 states that have legalized medical marijuana, and eight of those that…
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The Accela Partner and Developer Conference: Growing Partners and Growing Scale

We’re kicking off the seventh annual Accela Partner and Developer Conference this morning and this meeting couldn’t come at a better time. We are acutely aware of…
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Looking for the Next Great Civic Startup: The Accela Civic App Challenge

Profile picutre of Mark Headd

Mark Headd

| MobilitySmart Cities
At Accela, we’re committed to finding ways to leverage the talents and ideas of civic entrepreneurs and open data hackers to benefit the governments we…
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Crowdsourcing the Accela Civic Platform with the Construct API

Profile picutre of Seth Axthelm

Seth Axthelm

| GovTech
Seven years ago, Apple launched the iPhone with a few simple but powerful apps that showcased the capability and potential of this innovative device,…
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You Can Build Your Own Mobile App without Writing a Single Line of Code. (Yes, You.)

Profile picutre of Ken Sawtelle

Ken Sawtelle

| GovTech
One of the favorite things about my job is that I’m focused on how to make our customers’ lives easier. So I’m particularly excited…
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