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Driving Citizen Engagement: Philly311 Offers a Model for Success

Profile picutre of Jason Shueh

Jason Shueh

| MobilityOpen Data
Philly’s service request platform and civic engagement strategy show how cities can use mobile apps to build community Cities searching for a next-level strategy…
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Denver Takes on Tenfold Increase in Marijuana Licensing Applications and Public Records Requests

Profile picutre of Jason Shueh

Jason Shueh

| Government Technology
Using Accela Cannabis Solution Denver Estimates Future Cost Savings of $3.5 Million over five years and Faster Application Processing When the Department of Excise…
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10 Years Later: Helping New Orleans Get Back on Its Feet after Hurricane Katrina

Profile picutre of François Richardson

François Richardson

| GovTech
It’s hard to believe it’s been just over 10 years since Hurricane Katrina hit, displacing more than a million people throughout the Gulf Coast…
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Five Smart City Trends for Mobile

Profile picutre of Jason Shueh

Jason Shueh

| Government Technology
These Mobile Strategies May Aid Cities to Engage Residents and Increase the Impact of Services Whether you deliver services from city hall or a…
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Customer Care: Revolutionizing the Way We Provide Customer Support

Profile picutre of Angela Langston

Angela Langston

| GovTech
We all talk about partnership and what a good partnership means to us. At Accela, we truly strive to work in partnership with our customers.
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Governments Worldwide Working for the People: 2014 Accela Engage Customer Award Winners

Profile picutre of Rob Cassetti

Rob Cassetti

| MobilitySmart Cities
When Abraham Lincoln spoke the phrase, “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” he envisioned a government that existed to better serve…
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What Not to Miss at Next Week’s Accela Engage 2014

Profile picutre of François Richardson

François Richardson

| GovTech
Accela Engage 2014 is almost here! Here’s a quick guide to some can’t-miss activities for those of you still planning your schedule: Keynote…
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Recreation Time!

Each year, billions of citizens visit our National Parks and Federal and State lands. Yet, most agencies still haven’t found a way to leverage…
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