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What Does Civic Good Mean to You?

...on the value of civic good and the opportunity to help agencies of all sizes, so please comment on what you see and share your own examples of civic good....
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Regionalization and Open Government: Key Themes of This Week’s Civic Engagement Roadshow

...(available at, and to interact at the first ever Southeastern regional user group meetings. Accela Sr. Software Architect Kris Trujillo discusses App Development in Atlanta In our discussions with...
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Marijuana and the Sharing Economy: The Top Government Regulatory Challenges of 2017

...over a thousand have signed up. Many have complained about being forced to go to City Hall and wait in line to register as their primary reason for not registering. As...
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Saying Goodbye to Costly Upgrades and Creating a Path for Future Growth

...comparable. Traditional value they would get from the move to SaaS vs staying on premises was significant and made the decision an easy one. The Benefits of SaaS The project...
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New Accela U Training and Certification Options Aim to Enhance Customer Service and Experience

...itself includes diverse topics of immediate interest to the Accela user community. The majority of trainees come to learn about how to best use the Civic Platform, with an emphasis...
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Building better staff retention for plan review

...our time on more enriched tasks. Yet, when it comes to plan review, we still see paper processes or fragmented digital tools that do not meet the needs of plan...
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Modernizing Business Licensing for Today’s Dynamic Economy

One of the primary pillars of building a strong community is nurturing and growing the local economy. Streamlined businesses licensing – often an afterthought in economic development – serves a...
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February Customer and Partner News and Training Highlights continuing to collaborate with you in 2023! If you want to learn more, please visit the Accela Success Community, your one-stop-shop for all communications, resources, support and peer exchange....
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