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The documentation, review, and inspection cycle can strain agency resources and often results in long turnaround times and poor customer service.

Accela's Alcoholic Beverage Control software manages the numerous steps in the licensing process by:

  • Helping agencies reduce turnaround time and provide better customer service
  • Protecting public safety with important checks and safeguards
  • Utilizing automated workflows, intelligent routing, and concurrent review
  • Eliminating manual steps, making agencies more efficient, and improving the liquor licensing process
Woman standing at cash of a liquor store

Watch Accela Work

Find out how Accela Alcoholic Beverage Control can help you simplify the licensing, inspection and renewal process.


Application Routing Workflow

Configurable workflows that match agency processes, criteria to route the application, schedule required inspections, and move the application through the process

Citizen access portal

Licensees can conveniently initiate an online application, submit documentation, renew an existing license, and pay licensing fees online, saving staff and resident time

business woman writing on chalk board

Many license types can be custom configured to accommodate various state regulations, documentation, renewal, or review requirements

GIS integration

Esri ArcGIS integration aids enforcement activities, provides automated maps to give staff direct access to geospatial information, zoning and enforcement data associated with a property or license and allows for selection of radius buffers, license area limits and notifications

Powerful analytics

Accela Civic Insights can generate pre-built reports, ad hoc reports, or third-party analytics systems to gain new insight into ABC use cases and improve agency results

Mobile connected

Inspectors can create and manage cases from the field, capture and mark up pictures and video, fill out checklists, leave comments, manage code enforcement and inspections, and submit reports using their preferred iOS, Android or Windows mobile devices

“Accela has helped ABRA achieve a 100% success rate on issuing temporary licenses within the department's target timeframe.”

— Sean Gordy, Licensing Program Manager, Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (Washington, D.C.)

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Find out how Accela Alcoholic Beverage Control can help you provide regulatory oversight.

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