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Eliminate permitting bottlenecks by delivering quick turnarounds for applications, plan reviews/approvals, and building inspections.

The Accela Civic Application for Building is a pre-built solution

  • Cut turnaround times with digital permitting processes
  • Automate tracking and management of permit applications from intake to project completion
  • Provide total visibility throughout the process for agency staff and builders alike
Two men looking at laptop on construction site

Watch Accela Work

Find out how Accela Building can help you simplify the permitting process.


Workflow management

Automate the steps needed for permit processing including the assignment of tasks, tracking of reviews and sending notifications to keep processes running smoothly and on time.

Online Citizen Portal

Easily upload documents, submit permit applications, make payments, check for status updates and schedule inspections from a desktop or mobile device 24/7 for better project management.

architect and construction manager reviewing building plans

Digitally engage with builders on plan reviews. Agencies can easily upload documents, comment and markup plans for revisions, and submit approvals while builders can submit changes electronically.

Built-In Reporting

Access reports and metrics to measure, track, and analyze agency performance for things such as number of permits issued, and visibility into employee productivity to optimize land management processes.

computer with APIs

APIs, SDKs, and open data allow agencies to integrate information and processes across complementary solutions to meet their unique needs.

GIS mapping software

GIS integration provides intuitive visualizations to access land parcel permit history, view code and zoning details, and map and route inspections efficiently.

woman construciton manager with ipad

Ensure public compliance with city code and regulation by managing complaints and violations to achieve resolution quickly and efficiently.

Mobile connected

Mobile capability to conduct inspections, view documents, and information in real-time in the field to increase efficiencies.

“$250,000 annual cost savings by discontinuing legacy software and maintenance due to efficiencies Accela provides.”

— Glenna Campana, Building and Development Services Department, Manatee County, FL

View our on-demand webinars featuring industry experts and Accela partners, products and customers.

Interested in learning more? Find out how Accela Building can help you simplify the permitting process.

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