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In an exciting development for housing in Washington State, the approval of Senate Bill 5290 paves the way for a transformative upgrade in residential permitting processes. With a generous grant offering of up to $3 million per jurisdiction, the bill aims to expedite the permitting process, ensuring faster housing development and renovations. Accela, with its proven track record in cities like Seattle and Tacoma, stands ready to help Washington jurisdictions meet and exceed these new requirements.

Why Accela is the Ideal Choice for Washington Jurisdictions

Join Forces with Accela

Selecting Accela means choosing a leader in government software solutions, dedicated to improving community development and management through technological innovation. Our platform is not just about meeting the current needs; it’s about setting up Washington jurisdictions for future success in housing and beyond.

With the grant application period on the horizon, we encourage Washington jurisdictions to explore how Accela can serve as the backbone of their permitting modernization efforts. Accela’s commitment to innovation and customer success positions us as the ideal partner for jurisdictions aiming to enhance their permitting processes and contribute to the state’s affordable housing goals.

Get in Touch

Discover the full potential of your jurisdiction with Accela. Contact us to learn more about our solutions and how we can help you leverage SB 5290 grants to revolutionize your permitting process.

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